Tuesday, 8 March 2022

NEA Briefs 2023

 Brief 1: Television and Online - produce a three minute opening sequence of a new lifestyle programme for Channel 5 and two pages for the working website for the programme. 

Lifestyle is the way someone lives, what we repeatedly do everyday, everyone lives a different lifestyle and there are many factors. This could include: how you eat, how active you are, how much you socialise, what kind of place you live at, what your beliefs are.  Most people choose their lifestyle to what they need, want and feel. 

The brief requires the website to promote a new lifestyle television programme which I am creating the first 3 minutes of. However, when researching the lack of currently existing lifestyle TV programmes which would target the 16-25 year old audience makes it difficult to come up with ideas and is uninspiring to create one.

Brief 2: Radio and Online - produce a three minute opening sequence of a new celebrity interview programme for local commercial and two pages for the working website for the programme.

This task requires at least 3 actors to create the interview, two are needed to perform presenters and the other is to perform a celebrity. The actors need to be confident and talk like they are their roles but the lack of confident actors who would be able to make it look real makes me believe it will not turn out well.

Brief 4:Music video and online - produce a three minute music video for an anthem by a fictional singer which includes two actors and create two pages for a working website.

This task is daunting and seems impossible because I do not know anyone who can sing confidently on video in public. Also the music video would require over 200 shots in at least 2 locations and any missed shots would require me to go back to the locations and get the shots

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