Thursday, 17 March 2022

Magazine title

Pulse Recoil - With pulse representing a beating heart and recoil representing power, the sporty words attract readers who care about lifestyle. Also "Recoil" will attract the postmodern target audience of 16-25 who find entertainment in violence. 

For the masthead of my magazine I have chosen the name 'surge', meaning a sudden burst of energy. This represent a sporty and energetic lifestyle and attracts readers interested in this kind of read. I found this word when I was searching for synonyms of being active. The masthead catches the attention of the young target audience of 16-25 and entices them because they are young enough and want to learn new physical skills. The articles that you can find in this magazine are focused around sports and each magazine will include an article on the social, cultural, political, economical and historical sides of sports. The message of my magazine is that being sporty and energetic can help in all aspects of life.

My font is going to be simple to read in a bright and unique font which links to sports. It will be big enough to go across the top of the page and stand out.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Magazine Front Covers


The front cover keeps to the rule of three by only using red, blue and white. These colours connotes the preferred audience is males and the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio is the model targets it at the middle aged.

The negotiated audience are those a bit younger

The background is plain white to represent neutrality and the red and blue font stands out from it.

The foreground shows Leonardo DiCaprio stood up straight and gives a direct mode of address. He is dressed formally in a suit and represents what a man wants to be.

The puff of "great buys under $200" attracts people who want to look like Leonardo DiCaprio but with a lot less money.

"Hollywood's biggest star" 

The less fancy San Serif font connotes that Leonardo DiCaprio is a modern man and has an achievable look.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

NEA Briefs 2023

 Brief 1: Television and Online - produce a three minute opening sequence of a new lifestyle programme for Channel 5 and two pages for the working website for the programme. 

Lifestyle is the way someone lives, what we repeatedly do everyday, everyone lives a different lifestyle and there are many factors. This could include: how you eat, how active you are, how much you socialise, what kind of place you live at, what your beliefs are.  Most people choose their lifestyle to what they need, want and feel. 

The brief requires the website to promote a new lifestyle television programme which I am creating the first 3 minutes of. However, when researching the lack of currently existing lifestyle TV programmes which would target the 16-25 year old audience makes it difficult to come up with ideas and is uninspiring to create one.

Brief 2: Radio and Online - produce a three minute opening sequence of a new celebrity interview programme for local commercial and two pages for the working website for the programme.

This task requires at least 3 actors to create the interview, two are needed to perform presenters and the other is to perform a celebrity. The actors need to be confident and talk like they are their roles but the lack of confident actors who would be able to make it look real makes me believe it will not turn out well.

Brief 4:Music video and online - produce a three minute music video for an anthem by a fictional singer which includes two actors and create two pages for a working website.

This task is daunting and seems impossible because I do not know anyone who can sing confidently on video in public. Also the music video would require over 200 shots in at least 2 locations and any missed shots would require me to go back to the locations and get the shots

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Stranger Things Fandom, Merchandise and Marketing


Stranger Things 2 Super Bowl 2017 Add

The beginning of the season 2 trailer is a homage to the 80's with a classic 80's TV advert. This creates nostalgia for the older audience and authenticity for the younger audience which brings in a wider audience.

The trailer transitions from the advert to Stranger Things with fuzz like from an old TV to create more nostalgia for the audience. This can create a suspension of disbelief in the viewer and gets them hyped for the new series.

The advert contains the well known Stranger things neon red font as it is recognisable branding which creates synergy. Netflix wants to create momentum with the series by using Neale's theory of repetition and difference with the number "2" which inspires fandom. 

The end of the trailer celebrates the success that Stranger Things season 1 had with the "Only On Netflix" flipping upside down to show how invested they are and it brands the LFTVD as their own. This also creates synergy as it is recognisable and associated with Stranger Things. Netflix relies on the show to gain popularity, more revenue and make it a headline streaming service. 

Stranger Things Season 1 Trailer 1

The trailer opens with a shot of an old radio, dating the time that the show is set. Then the trailer cuts to a shot of the typical 80's family of the Wheeler's with a clean house and relaxed family. This brings nostalgia of the 80's to audiences who were alive then which attracts a wider audience and increases 
                                                                                    the shows popularity.

We are also introduced to the character of Joyce who is the opposite of the Wheeler family, panicking and dressed scruffy, we do not see a partner of Joyce so we assume that he's gone and she can barely provide for her family. 

We are shows shots of a dark, misty forest and Will, a young boy, running from an unknown predator. These are horror conventions which attracts fans of the horror genre and increases the popularity of the show. 

In the middle of the trailer it cuts to this shot with the S and T in neon red font in the background with "Netflix presents" in the middle. This shows they want you to know it is their show so it attracts more people to Netflix and earns them more money.

We are introduced to Eleven who immediately contrasts the conventions of a girl, with short hair.
She barely speaks during the trailer and is never given a name, just called "the girl" with a shot of 011 printed on her wrist. 

The final shot shows the "Stranger Things" writing in red neon, this is repeated across all Stranger Things trailers and is now connected with the show.

Surge website and link page

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