Thursday, 21 October 2021

Political allegiance

The Guardian - social liberal, social democratic, left-wind 

The Daily Mail - very right wing

The Sun - right wing

The Times - slightly right wing

The Daily Express - very right wing

The Star - slightly labour and right wing

The Independent - centre

The Telegraph - right wing

The Observer - social liberal, social democratic, left wing

The Mirror - left wing

The Guardian online news and news values


Gatekeeping - journalists decide what events should be published because they are the most important, the biggest or interesting.

Extraordinariness - A rare event like a tragedy is more likely to be published than a routine event because it is rare and will attract more readers. 

Threshold - Events which are bigger and more important are more interesting to publishers and readers.

Unambiguity - This title cannot be interpreted as anything other than Southern England is flooded. stories which are easy to understand from the title are more likely to be published by journalists than articles open to interpretation.

Reference to elite persons - people with more power are more likely to be featured because their view is deemed more important than those of regular people.

Personalisation - The event is made to look associated with the minister


Negativity - Bad news is used more by journalists because it is seen as more exciting and is more likely to attract a reader than an article on good news.  

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

The Daily Mail online news and news values

Gatekeeping - The journalist has decided that an article on a possible outbreak of Covid is newsworthy. 

Negativity - The negativity shown in this title and video creates excitement and strong feelings from the reader.  

Unambiguity - the heading of this story is simple "he's in the kitchen bleeding to death" which is straight to the point and cannot be interpreted in any other way than she doesn't care that he will die. 

Reference to elite persons - The famous and powerful are seen as more noteworthy by journalists as people are more likely to read an article about them than someone from the general public.

Extraordinariness - A rare event will have more news worthiness than everyday events and will most likely be picked by journalists.

Threshold - The bigger the event, the more likely it is to be reported nationally. A house explosion is uncommon and the article would raise concern for other houses which could possibly explode.

Personalisation - this is when an event is associated with a celebrity or leader by making it seem personal to them. 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Conventions of online news


Both news pages have their name in a large font at the top of the page to make it clear to the reader what paper they are reading.

Both online news pages contains the days weather on the home page so it is easy to find.

Both news pages have headings for different categories of news to make it easy to find the news they are interested in.

Both news pages have images of the top stories to attract readers to the most important news.

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Media Institutions

The magazine is owned by Bauer, they have 200 million consumers in 14 different countries. Take a Break is an example of a mass audience. The preferred audience are middle aged and older women as it contains articles about gossip. The negotiated audience for this magazine is younger women because the stories wouldn't usually interest them. The oppositional audience would be younger and older men because they don't have enough time for puzzles and they don't tend to cook. This magazine has a webpage which creates technological convergence. The food recipes will have a convergence with a famous chef and weight watchers as women tend to eat healthy more than men. The repetition of this newspaper is that they all use primary colours, pink, red, yellow and blues. They also always contain gossip and shocking stories. Another repetition is the cash prizes that the readers can win. The difference in the magazines are the meals and the focus of the stories. 

This magazine is owned by Bauer. Simply you is aimed at mass audience. The preferred audience is older women as it contains how to look 15 years younger. The negotiated audience would be younger women as they do not need it as much but still might want to look younger in the future. The oppositional audience would be for men as they do not wear makeup and don't usually care about looking younger. This magazine has cross convergence with home workout and health tips as women want to stay healthy. The repetition in the magazines will be the ways to stay healthy. 

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

The Guardian Online


Main story on the front page

Easy for older people to use

Uses paper - more expensive for companies than online news


No need to walk to the shops

Sections of different types of news which makes it easier to find certain stories

Updated every 12 minutes

Requires WIFI 

Advertisements can be annoying

Representations of magazine front covers

Representations of magazine front covers

This men's magazine is about staying fit. It's focus is on his upper body to catch the attention of men who want to get fit. His stance is straight up to show his body and he is pointing at the camera as if to speak directly to you. He is also looking directly at the camera to show his confidence. The colours of the magazine are. The "Men's Health" title is the largest text on the page as it is the main focus of the magazine. It also includes words associated with health like "Men's Health", "Fat-Burning" and "Mental Health" in red so they stand out from the white background and it represent the possible danger of being unfit.

This women's magazine uses a pink title as it will stand out to
women. She is stood with her hip stuck out and she has long hair which could attract other women who want to look like her. She is wearing a top which shows her body and the front cover includes title about fitness and diet to get the attention of women. 

Both magazines show a fit person nearly covering the whole of the front cover. the people are looking directly at the camera to show confidence and attract buyers. They use different colours but they both use bright colours to gain peoples attention.

Neao repetition and difference


Ownership of newspapers

 Ownership Of Newspapers

The Daily Mail is owned by Daily Mail and General Trust and the chief editor is Geordie Greig. The Daily Mail supports the conservatives

The Guardian is owned by the Scott trust and the chief editor is Katharine Viner. The Guardian supports Labour

The Times is owned by News Corp and the chief editor is John Witherow. It currently supports the Tories

The Sun is owned by Rupert Murdoch and the chief editor is Victoria Newton. It currently supports the Tories  

The Independent is owned by Alexander Lebedev's Independent Print Limited and the chief editor is 
they support liberal more than Tories or labour but it does not tend to pick a side



This is a traditional stereotype for old women. They are thought to be constantly baking because of the free time they have as they are retired. She is baking biscuits as the stereotype is that they make treats for her younger family when they come round.

This a traditional stereotype of rich people. They are sitting is expensive suits and dresses which people believe to mean that they like to show off and brag about their money. A stereotype of rich people is that they are sat around a large table with expensive wine because they buy the best. Outside is a large field which is another stereotype as people believe that rich people have huge houses with big gardens. The field is also linked to the thought that the rich often play golf.

This is a modern stereotype of teenagers. it is thought that they dress in scruffy joggers, jeans and sweaters because they do not care what other people think of them. They are slouching which people think is because they are lazy. One of the teenagers at the back has a bloody mouth to indicate that teenagers often get into fights and get out of control. Behind them is a wall with graffiti which leads people to believe that teenagers are always up to no good and often vandalise property.

The Daily Mail online

 Online vs Print

70% percent of the British population use the internet to gain access to the news
75% of people who use the internet use TV news channels to access the news- BBC 1 is the most used news channel
65% use the internet for the news 
16-24 year olds are more likely to use the internet than TV for the news
people aged 65+ are more likely to use TV, radio and printed newspapers rather than the internet

Tabs to select the category of news you would like to see

The pictures change 

Easily accessible from home

More up to date

Portable when using your phone

Has videos and sound

Requires devices so could be expensive but is free online 

Easily accessible from most nearby shops

Easier to read

Need to buy each newspaper

Doesn't contain any information from that day

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